November 18, 2014

What is life, really ?

A deep breath.
That is my first reaction when I come close to this concept of 'life' and anywhere near trying to figure out what it is. Through the years that I have lived so far, at different points in time, I remember thinking really hard about how I would define life. A lot of people have shared, researched, analysed, over the years trying to answer this particular question. Beautiful poetry, thought provoking movies, excellent write ups, all done, with the single agenda of trying to define what life is, but alas, not a single definition that one could be happy with for the years to go by. 

Well, the most logical reason to that would probably be that people change with time, so do their dreams/aspirations, needs, desires, likes and dislikes, and hence the definition of 'life'. Besides, everybody is different. Hence, no single definition. Point taken. But that is no good. 

I believe that an individual need not come up with a definition that suits all and always, but definitely has an idea that may not be explicitly clear in his head, may actually lie somewhere in the back of his mind, but for sure it is there.

What is interesting to note, however, is that the change in your definition simply implies that you changed. How much, is the question. A quick way to assess how much time has played in changing you.

Some greats have said life is too mysterious to be able to be defined. It is a fool who wastes time trying to figure it out. It should rather be lived. Lived to our fullest potential. And with joy. Aaah. Well said. But then, quite candidly, how practical is that ?

I agree that we must aspire to do that, try our best everyday, but there is no arguing to the fact that we all have our bad days, where nothing makes sense. Especially those quotes about positivity and that good will happen and a smile will take us a mile. All of that seem nothing but absolute hokum. On those days, wouldn't life be a nerve wrenching affair ?

What then, is life ? Any concept that one could easily connect to, without getting too abstract about it. 

Well, for me, I reckon, Life is Now. 

And, you ?

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